Monday, January 13, 2014

San Francisco

Every year for Christmas my family goes to San Francisco. We absolutely LOVE this trip and look forward to it all year long. It was so fun going with my husband for his first time. The best part about San Francisco are all the fun foods and new places to try. We always find new, fun restaurants that are SO good. I think one of my favorites was a Chinese/Mexican mix. Sounds weird, I know, but so delicious. They had burritos with eggs, hash browns, and then some chinese or Korean meat. TO DIE FOR! I wish I had a picture of the restaurant because it was just this small hole in the wall. Here are some pictures of a few of our favorite things. <3 It was also so great to go on a big trip with my family right before we moved to Houston. We are here for just 4 months for Brent's internship with Deloitte. I'll be sure to post pictures of all the fun things we're doing here! 

CHINA TOWN!! Our favorite thing. I love listening to my dad speak mandarin with all the people here and ordering all his mission food he used to eat. We love it. 

Watching the seals!

Alcatraz... a MUST DO in San Fran!

The tour through all of Alcatraz. 

We went to the BYU bowl game while we were there. What perfect timing to have it there during our annual trip. So much fun. We played terrible but it was so much fun to be there! 

We always plan a full day and drive to Oakland and do baptisms at the beautiful temple. We went to a Chinese Dim Sum restaurant for breakfast and it was SO GOOD!!! This picture is at the Dim Sum Restaurant. Afterward, we always go to Fentons to get their amazing ice cream sundaes. So yummy! 

My very very very favorite thing! Sesame balls. I can't describe how good they are. (And they really don't taste like sesame at all, they are actually really sweet on the inside) 

The beautiful temple!

Clearly we all really liked the sundaes!
I had to take this picture! I'm not used to seeing my last name everywhere!! 

We went to the Muir Woods. It was so beautiful and peaceful inside. Wow, those trees are so huge!

Painted Ladies

Crabs are everywhere at the Pier. 

We didn't have much time the last day, but I couldn't go to San Francisco and not ride the Cable Cars. So, Brent and I woke up early and rode to the Pier on the cable cars and had breakfast. So much fun!

Breakfast at Boudins. 

We LOVE chinese breakfasts. This is the main reason we love San Francisco. It wouldn't be San Fran without chinese breakfasts every day! 

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The Sunshine State

We spent Thanksgiving with Brent's family in Florida. The best part about the break was just getting a break from school. This last semester about killed both of us. We drove to campus every day at 7:30 or 8 and sometimes didn't come home until 10 or 11 that night. They were really long days, but we survived! Going to school with your sweetheart is the best thing ever. It was so much fun spending every second together between classes, eating lunch together, and just studying together. Anyways, back to Florida. I will say it was a little hard being my first holiday away from home, but we had so much fun and I loved spending the whole break with my husband. Here are pictures of some of the things we did... 

We love Jerry's ice cream. Literally best ever!
I had to take this picture because this is a ripe avocado. They are HUGE in Florida. They are so delicious!

My sweet mother in law made me this yummy breakfast for my birthday!

This sweet guy (along with his mom's help :) haha) made me my very favorite cake for my birthday, chocolate raspberry ganache cake...YUM!!!

This melts my heart. I love seeing Brent with all his nieces and nephews. 

Bren't beautiful backyard

Our favorite thing are boat rides in the lake together. 

more boat rides

Brent and I found a new hobby: riding bikes together. We rode bikes every day and just absolutely loved it. It definitely helps to be able to ride along such a beautiful lake. 

Such a great restaurant. We split the ribs (below) and they were TO DIE FOR!

Brent's friend invited us over and he had just been to the ocean and brought back all these oysters. We had to try them. They were completely raw, not even steamed, and very slimy. But they were fun to try. 

This little shop had the best fresh squeezed orange juice I've EVER had. It was to die for! I'm wanting some right now. 

The day I got married I gained 14 nieces and nephews.  Aren't they just so stinkin cute!

You can barely tell in the picture, but these cinnamon rolls overflowed the pan and were HUGE!... and so delicious. We had the best food while we were in Florida. The trip was so much fun and we loved spending time with Brent's family. I would say I can't wait to go back next year, but it sounds like we might be going to Winnipeg next year because of Brent's parents' mission call. BURR!! So long Florida!