Thursday, May 22, 2014

Conference Weekend

I'm a little behind on the blogging, but I couldn't forget to blog about Conference weekend--one of my favorite weekends of the year. We were so lucky to be able to fly to Utah for conference. Brent's work was flying him out to recruit at BYU, so I just tagged along. It's always a tradition in my family for conference weekend to stay in a hotel in SLC, go to fun restaurants, go to a few sessions of conference, go shopping with the girls during Priesthood session, and end with a big family dinner at my grandma's. Here are some pictures of the best weekend ever!
You better believe our first stop once we arrived in Utah was to Cafe Rio!!

The best sister in the world! Reunited at last!

Matching GQ. Water bottles and all!

We may have been dancing in the rain with umbrellas.

Gotta watch out for that sprinkling rain. 


We took the twins on a BYU tour! I think we have them convinced. 

Cold Stone happy hour. Yes please!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

The Nanny Life...

Growing up I always wanted to be a nanny. I don't know why I had that dream, because it is so random, but I just loved being around kids. My dreams sort of changed when I went to BYU and I didn't think much about it. Well, lo and behold, once we moved to Texas it was extremely hard to find a job for only 4 months, so I nannied for families in the ward. It was such a great experience and I seriously feel I learned so much more about children, families, and the way I want to raise my children, than I would've doing any other job. It was very hard, but very rewarding and fun. Here are some of the cutest kids in the world!!