Wednesday, July 29, 2015


Brent grew up going to the Bahamas every summer for part of his dad’s boating business. I have always heard stories from the Bahamas, but because his dad sold the boat business right before we got married, I had never had the chance to go. So, for Brent’s graduation we planned a trip to the Bahamas. It was AMAZING!!! We first went to Atlantis and stayed 3 days at the resort. It was such a blast, but I think 3 days is plenty of time. We then flew to Marsh Harbour and stayed on a home right on the beach. It was gorgeous and the food was amazing with all the fresh fish. I could've stayed there forever. It was paradise!! We rented a boat so we could get around to all the different islands surrounding Marsh Harbour. One of my favorite things we did was snorkel. I was SO scared to go snorkeling because I really didn’t want to see a shark. I’m TERRIFIED of sharks. After finally getting enough confidence, we went on the last day we were there. I’m so glad I went because it was so beautiful and amazing. And yes, we saw a shark but I was so brave… although I did swim right back to the boat and get in. haha. Here's a video of our amazing trip.


This was at the resort, Atlantis, where we swam with the dolphins. 

Walking the marina

Carmines. The portions are VERY big. 

We went for some morning runs along the beach. Ahhh nothing beats that view! 

TAKE. ME. BACK. These pictures are making me want to live there. So so beautiful. The water is unreal. 

Cinnamon rolls with the bahama bread are TO. DIE. FOR. 

No machete, no problem!

Conch Fritters! Delish!

I finally did the Parker tradition and bought a bag here! 

This is at the top of the lighthouse. Gorgeous view!

Brent introduced me to the virgin Miami Vice. Oh my, I could definitely go for one of those right now!

Snorkeling. So beautiful. The water is so clear and the fish are stunning.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Off to Taiwan!

Oh where do I even begin with this post? It brings tears to my eyes just thinking about dropping my family off at the airport.  I had been dreading this day from the moment we found out my parents were called to Taiwan clear back in October.  Every time I would think about them leaving I would get teary eyed. The biggest thing was that my parents wouldn’t be there when I had the baby. And I HATED when people would remind me of that. People would always say “Oh, I could not have done it without my mom when I had my first baby.” Okaaaaay. I know it is going to be hard, but that’s just part of the sacrifice. I also thought of all the little things like we wouldn’t be able to call/text whenever because of the 14 hour time difference, or we wouldn’t be able to go home for the weekend, or all of our family traditions that would be put on hold for 3 years, or that the twins are going to be so grown up when they come home. I could go on and on about all the things I’m going to miss, but that doesn’t really get me anywhere. I realized I needed to constantly remind myself of how neat of an experience this is. Yes, I will miss them like CRAZY, but what a neat bonding experience for my family and a way that we can take part in missionary work. I strongly believe that we will be blessed as a family for this sacrifice and that it will strengthen our family.

Before the airport, we all met at my aunt’s house where we heard all about the MTC (Missionary Training Center). What an incredible experience for my parents to be there with President Monson and most of the apostles. We ate a delicious dinner, talked, cried, and my dad gave us all Priesthood blessings. I will never forget the blessing that I received. Then my family drove them to the airport. Ohhhhh, the airport was so dang hard, but we all left with one last group hug and a few cheers as they passed through security. I would expect nothing less from my family! I cannot wait to go to Taiwan and see the amazing work that my parents are doing. I may be a bit biased but I think those missionaries are so dang lucky to get them!!

This was a few weeks back from the setting apart from Elder Ballard and Elder Christensen. 

California Dreamin'

One of my family’s favorite vacations is to San Clemente, California. We just beach it every single day and never get sick of it. We were so lucky because it worked out with everyone’s schedule so we could all be there before we went our separate ways. The weather was perfect and the beaches were not crowded at all until the last day when all the end-of-school parties happened. Madi made an amazing movie from our trip. We didn't take many pictures because we spent most of the time filming for the movie, so I will post that once I get a copy of it. 

Gender Reveal...

With my parents leaving to Taiwan to be mission presidents, and realizing they wouldn’t be here for the baby, I wanted to make my family a part of everything I could before they left. We all got together for a little gender reveal party and it was SO FUN!!! I am so glad I did the reveal. Brent and I went to get the ultrasound and the whole time I secretly wanted the technician to slip and give us a hint as to whether it was a boy or girl. I was dying to know! The technician was too good because I left having no clue. My mom got word first so she could get the surprise all ready. I really felt like I was going to have a girl before I found out, but that may have just been because I have been extremely sick. And whoever named morning sickness was clearly mistaken. I was sick all day long with the worst sickness I’ve ever experienced. But, the reveal party was absolutely perfect! We were able to have Brent’s parents there too since they were in town for his graduation. Here are some pictures from the party!