Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Anniversary #2

Anniversary #2 was a success. Unfortunately it was right in the middle of Brent's busy season, working around 60 hours a week so we only had time to celebrate with a fancy dinner! We wanted to try somewhere new and there is a Del Frisco's Grille close to us that has great reviews. So we tried it and boy was it delicious! Definitely a repeat restaurant! They were so cute to us and gave us an anniversary card and a slice of lemon cake, which was to die for! I can't believe we've been married two years. It has gone by so fast! It has been an amazing two years. I wouldn't change a thing. And now we are on to a whole new adventure called parenthood!

This was the only thing I took a picture of (probably because I got too carried away in eating the rest). This was our appetizer. I don't even remember what exactly it was, but it was delicious!

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