Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Baby Bump Updates

I have been pretty terrible about keeping a journal or anything about this pregnancy. So, now that I'm 9 months pregnant, I am going to write a few things and show a few baby bump pictures along the way so I can remember this special time in my life. Pregnancy is such an amazing and incredible and hard time. It's been amazing to feel this baby move inside of me and watch my belly grow from week to week. At the same time, it's been a hard experience, mainly because I have been so sick. The last 8 weeks have been so great though. Once I finally got over being sick all day every day I could enjoy the fun little moments of pregnancy. I have felt so great these last few weeks. I still have energy and haven't felt too uncomfortable yet. A few things I am so excited for about not being pregnant: SUSHI (I crave this everyday), sleeping on my stomach (although I have been able to sleep SO WELL this whole pregnancy), walking up a flight of stairs without having to catch my breath at the top, running, and mostly holding my baby in my arms, seeing her personality, and watching her grow. I cannot wait to meet this little girl who we love already!

12 weeks

16 weeks

17 weeks

20 weeks

26 weeks

27 weeks

29 weeks

30 weeks

32 weeks

34 weeks

36 weeks

37 weeks
38 weeks
Cannot wait to meet you baby girl!


  1. You are SO beautiful Alexis!!! Can't wait to meet your little girl!!!

  2. You look amazing and beautiful! I'm so excited for you. And hahaha yes! So true about the flights of stairs and being out of breath.

  3. You look amazing and beautiful! I'm so excited for you. And hahaha yes! So true about the flights of stairs and being out of breath.

  4. My goodness! You are close! What is your due date?

    Will be looking for this special delivery. What is her name?
