Sunday, June 29, 2014

Bittersweet Graduation

I don't even know how I feel about this post. Going to BYU was my dream from day one. And now it's done. I can't believe I'm a college grad. It doesn't really feel real. I was talking to my dad the other day and he was saying how proud he was of me and my experience at BYU and in the last 3 years. It made me realize how much of a perfect experience I had. I got the full BYU experience. Going to BYU is far more than just getting an education. It's a full experience: the people, the atmosphere, the roommates, the dating, and the gospel. I feel blessed to have gotten the full BYU experience plus so much more!

I had 2 single years having so much fun with so many amazing roommates. I could not have asked for better roommates and friends while I was at BYU. I met such amazing girls who all taught me so much. From putting a fake dead man on the street to candle-lit post date ceremonies, I had so many fun times. It's really quite amazing I got the grades I did considering how much fun I had with my roommates, but hey, that's just part of the BYU experience. I had amazing wards and bishops with so many fun activities. The BYU wards are definitely a must and all part of the experience.

I was able to get my degree in something I love so much. I loved Communication Disorders and learned a ton. I started out wanting to go into teaching, then was doing nursing, then found this amazing compromise of communication disorders. It was everything I wanted and I made so many great friends in the major. I love the COMD girls! My plan all along was to graduate and then start the Speech Pathology Masters program in the fall. Well, when I got married and we decided to move to Texas, I didn't want to start a program somewhere only to move. So I put it off and we will see what happens if I start a Masters program once we move to Houston next year. But, in the meantime, I found such an incredible job in American Fork, which I am SO excited for. I start in one week. I will be working at the Utah Developmental Center helping with the Speech department. I am so blessed to have been able to have found a job in my major without the masters. I really feel it was such a blessing to have found this job, and am so excited for the opportunity.

The sports at BYU always make the experience so fun. For every home football game my family would come down and we would tailgate before the game. The games were such a big deal and were always a blast to go to. The All-Sports-Passes are a must and going to a variety of sports is so much fun! I think volleyball, rugby, and basketball are my next favorites after football.

I was able to meet and marry my sweet husband while at BYU. All growing up I wanted to marry someone from BYU, and that dream came true! He's a true blue fan through and through. He has everything I've ever wanted in a husband plus so much more. I am so happy with this man and so grateful we are together for eternity. Thank you BYU for bringing us together.

Most importantly, my testimony was strengthened tremendously here at BYU. A lot of people think it's crazy that we have religion classes and are tested on the material, but that is one of the best things ever. I learn so much when I am tested on a subject. The spirit was always so strong in my classes. My very favorite class was about the New Testament. I grew so much closer to Christ in that semester. Not only did we have academic religious classes, but all the classes tie in the gospel in the lectures, which I ABSOLUTELY love. I think it's so perfect to be able to learn about academic subjects, while tying it in to the gospel. I mean, God created this earth and everything on the earth, so doesn't that just make sense? One of my very favorite classes at BYU was anatomy. Seriously, changed my life. But, I think a reason why I loved it so much was because the professor tied in the gospel with learning about the body. It was so insightful and incredible. My testimony grew so much in God and how he created our amazing, intricate bodies.

I cannot say enough good things about BYU. I have LOVED my 3 years here and definitely got the full BYU experience. Going to BYU was one of the BEST decisions I have ever made in my life!

Here are pictures from graduation. I'm so glad I still have one year in Provo before we move on with our lives. We will be sure to enjoy every second of this BYU experience...even though some parts I have to live through my husband. Go Cougs!!

It was so fun to graduate with my brother!!  Sure made the ceremony a lot better! Graduation ceremonies aren't really that fun. The only reason I wanted to walk was to get a picture in the robe. Otherwise, I wouldn't have gone. haha 

The Amigos! 

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