Sunday, July 20, 2014

Zac's Wedding

I can't believe the oldest three kids in my family are now married. What?! It seems like just yesterday that we all lived at home. As you probably know, Zac getting married was the third wedding in 8 months for my family. It is so fun having all three of us get married near the same time. We all get to go through this phase together!

Zac and Janelle are so perfect for each other. Zac was always super picky in dating. There was always something wrong.... until Janelle. She is absolutely gorgeous and such a good girl! She is perfect for him! 

Unfortunately, it POURED for their wedding. But it made for a memorable day. We were all soaking wet trying to get a few pictures outside the temple. So, once everyone's hair was messed up, we went inside the Joseph Smith Memorial Building and took lots of pictures there. Here are a few pictures of their beautiful wedding. I wish I would've taken more! 

We will miss Zac and Janelle. They just took off to Dallas for medical school this past week. We can't wait to join them in Texas next summer!! 

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