Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Gender Reveal...

With my parents leaving to Taiwan to be mission presidents, and realizing they wouldn’t be here for the baby, I wanted to make my family a part of everything I could before they left. We all got together for a little gender reveal party and it was SO FUN!!! I am so glad I did the reveal. Brent and I went to get the ultrasound and the whole time I secretly wanted the technician to slip and give us a hint as to whether it was a boy or girl. I was dying to know! The technician was too good because I left having no clue. My mom got word first so she could get the surprise all ready. I really felt like I was going to have a girl before I found out, but that may have just been because I have been extremely sick. And whoever named morning sickness was clearly mistaken. I was sick all day long with the worst sickness I’ve ever experienced. But, the reveal party was absolutely perfect! We were able to have Brent’s parents there too since they were in town for his graduation. Here are some pictures from the party! 

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